Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting closer to Alfresco on the command line

I recently kicked of a small GPL project to work with the Alfresco repository from the command line. Check out the tools here

Since its early stage a month ago I am already using the project at several customers to get my admin tasks done more easily.


Michael Böckling said...

Hi Lothar,
This looks like a nice tool!
What do you use it for? Usually, one has admin access to the customer's systems, and automating can often be done via JS.


Lothar Märkle said...

Hi Michael!

Its useful for very simple and lean integrations for example. Other things I used it for: Copy files from local disk to Alfresco (pain with JS, would need mounts/ftp etc). Updated a set of avatar pictures. Grep a log message from and pipe it to into Alfresco for review.....very easy from the shell if you are used to it.

Tell me your case?

Paul Hampton said...

Hi Lothar,

I have been playing with the Alfresco Shell Tools since Richard did a demo at the recent DevCon.

I find that they are great for provisioning a demo system in a few minutes. I have scripts that create users, add avatars, create groups and sub-groups and then add users, create sites and then add users to the sites.

Do you plan to complete the script? This would then allow me to create the folders within the sites and populate with content.

Thanks again fro creating such useful tools.

Best regards,